Frequently Asked Questions

1. Where can I see a list of your adoptable animals or apply to adopt?

Please visit our Facebook and Petfinder pages. If you're not sure if a specific critter is still available, send us an email. Adopt before you shop by viewing our and other adoptable reptiles on If you find a new friend, you can apply to adopt here. By adopting from us, you are agreeing not to use these animals for breeding purposes. Animals that can be safely spayed or neutered will be prior to adoption. 

2. Where do our donations go? What are they used for? 

You can view our Financial and Operational Reports here. We aim to have our financial reports on the website by April 1 for the previous year. As we continue to grow, we will continue to make our reports more detailed. If you have questions, we welcome them! Please contact us by email at and Shannon will get back to you as soon as she can. 

3. Can I get a tax receipt for donating? 

Absolutely! Just email with the subject line "Tax receipt" and we will get you one within 30 days of request. We can't guarantee that we will see requests for tax receipts in donations made via Facebook or PayPal, so if some time has passed and you have not received your receipt, please send an email!

4. Where can I send fan mail to Mary, Pixel, and any other permanent residents? 

Please email us and we will get you that info. We hope to have a PO box for these requests at a later date

5. Can you take this dog or cat I found? 

While we try to help all animals, we cannot take dogs and cats due to space restrictions and danger to the small and/or exotic animals we rescue and rehab. In fact, our insurance doesn't cover us for dogs, and we can't make any exceptions. 

6. Can you take the baby bird I found?

Maybe! There are a few things to sort out first. Does it have feathers, and can it hop? If so, in most cases this means the bird is fine where it is. These are called fledglings, and they live on the ground until they learn to fly. This is a natural part of their life cycle and shouldn't be interrupted by humans. If you have doubts or concerns, feel free to call us or a nearby rehabber for guidance. Photos are very helpful! 

7. There are cats around that will eat the bird from the last question. Can you take it now? 

It's definitely unfortunate, but we cannot take wild birds just because there are cats in the neighborhood.

8. I found an injured or orphaned animal. What do I feed it? 

Nothing until you speak to a rehabber. Improper feeding will kill an animal MUCH faster than delayed feeding. MOST advice about what to feed animals you get online is wrong and can be deadly. Please call us or your nearest rehabber before giving an animal ANY food or water. 

9. I found (insert exotic species here) and my friend told me I should feed it raw meat. Is this true? 

Nope, please don't do that. Don't feed found animals without consulting a professional.  

10. Do we really get asked that last question? 

Oh, you betcha.

11. I want to help! Can I apply to be a foster

Due to the unique care many of our animals require and the acquisition of a shelter, we aren't accepting new foster homes in our program. If you'd like to volunteer on other ways, please email us at

12. Where are you located? I want to visit.

While we have a physical location for housing many of our permanent residents, we are not open to the public. If you are interested in volunteering for a workday, please contact us for opportunities. 

Still have questions? Contact us at